Welcome to ICDAS Add-Ins for automatic creation of Steel Frame Bridges (SFB).
This section (and sections on the left menu) is a brief introduction to working with automatic model creation of Steel Frame Bridges. It describes the basic methodology and is not contained all ICDAS tools and descriptions. All examples are generic for worldwide use and do not conform to specific company standards. Refer to a ICDAS licence for more details on all parameters and guides to your project. To automate geometry and analysis models, you need licence for the following software which are run in Window 7 and 8 operative system: § ICDAS SFB 2022.00R
§ Revit 2022
§ Lusas Bridge V19 (also on previous version)
§ Input Excel file (*.xlsx with 1048576Rows*16384Columns).
To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVE, you need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (or above) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.
Geometry model ICDAS SFB create BIM model automatically in Revit from Excel (or text) input file. Once the BIM model is obtained in Revit, the user can create all 2D sections for drawing dimensions.The bridge is created in relative coordinate at origin (0,0,0) for both of Revit and Lusas models. Once the absolute coordinates are know, the user can replace the origin point with (X,Y,Z) in input, and run the model again. All created 2D drawings and sheets will be updated accordantly. Figure below shows automatic creation of steel frame deck in Revit. Enlarge this image you will see the spaces at intersections of beams and diagonals, which are ready for Revit structural connections. Figure 1: Revit parametric model of Steel Frame Deck, 16x60m. |