S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

  Arch Bridges Software

ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS ARB 2022.00R 

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Arch Bridge Model
 Please contact th@icdas.dk for further details and your needs.
Model description  Arch Bridge Revit parametric model.

Input  Arch Bridge Lusas parametric mode.




Geometry model

Analysis model

Landscape model

Basis of Design &


Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering & Animation 

Case Study and 



The annual subscription is including:

›  Concrete Bridge (COB) 

›  Support on use, including correction of errors in input from the users.

›  Updated features in ICDAS ARB & COB as soon it is released.

›  Additional features can be after the client’s needs.

The annual subscription includes in addition the four manuals below which are outlined the

combination of automation and manual modification, using ICDAS library of Revit families and

Dynamo scripts. These manuals carry out step-by-step for creation of the models on the ICDAS

website. The manuals are updated with the subscription. 


›   1_ICDAS_Revit_Bridge_Interface_Manual.pdf   

›   2_ICDAS_Revit_Bridge_Family_Libraries.pdf

›   3_ICDAS_DYNAMO_Manual.pdf  

›   4_ICDAS_AutoCAD_Civil_3D_Bridges.pdf


For a standalone licence the users can install ICDAS ARB on any PC/Laptop as needed.

Only PC/Laptop with ICDAS USBKey can run ICDAS ARB. 


ICDAS reserves the right for updating versions, specifications and to alter annual pricing 

for subscription. Subscription fee is lowered in combination with other ICDAS Bridges

for individual agreement.

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ICDAS offer special annual subscription ICDAS Collection including:

›  Automatic model creation of all models on www.icdas.dk incl. BIM & FEM. 

›  Generic Model Creation for Bridges, Tunnels, Wind Turbine Foundations & Buildings (ICDAS GEN)

›  Arch Bridges, Cable-stayed Bridges, Concrete Bridges and Steel Frame Bridges.

›  Parametric Buildings, Cylinder Buildings and Wind Turbine Foundations.

›  Free access to ICDAS Libraries with Revit family files and LUSAS model examples.

›  Free number of licenses as ICDAS USB-Key delivered after the needs.

›  Implement additional automation features after the client’s needs.

›  Support on ideas for the competition, both of BIM & FEM models. 

›  Support on detailed works, both of of BIM & FEM models. 

›  Model errors solved and send as soon it is found from ICDAS.

›  Helps on Virtual Reality for Constructions  using VIVE HTC PPO headset.


ICDAS COLLECTION makes it possible for the users to stay updated with ICDAS new features,

including the new features from the client’s needs.

Feel free to contact ICDAS th@icdas.d


Updated 16-03-2022
123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169