S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Wind Turbine Foundation Software

ICDAS Basis of Design

ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS WTF 2017.00R

Page   1    2



WTF Model Examples

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering & Animation 

Trial Version

Case Study 






A. Projecting Documentation

A1. Foundation location

A2. Monopile, Gravity Base, Jacket Foundation or special type

A3. Principle of the foundation

A4. Partner relation

A5. Enclose and annex



B. Design Documentation


B1. ICDAS WTF 2017.00R automatic 3D geometry model creation

B2. 3D visualization of foundation on seabed (animation)

B3. 2D section drawings with dimensions from 3D model

      (Revit2017 and 3ds Max 2017)



C. Static and Dynamic Documentation


C1. Basis of design

      C1.1 Design background (Eurocodes)

      C1.2 Exposure classes for cover to reinforcement

      C1.3 Materials

      C1.4 Principle of limit states design SLS & ULS

      C1.5 Ballasts and loads on wind turbine and foundation

      C1.6 Load Combinations      


C2. FEM model (LUSAS)

      C2.1 ICDAS WTF 2016.00R automatic FEM model creation

      C2.2 Seabed soil-construction interaction support conditions


C3. Phases of construction description (LUSAS)


C4. Static analysis (LUSAS & Eurocode)

      C4.1 Maximum acceptable stress, deformation and crack width (SLS)

      C4.2 Structural strength and stability of elements and joints (ULS)

      C4.3 Structural strength due to fatigue loads (FLS)

    C4.4 Strength and stability due to accidental loads (ALS)

      C4.5 Verification of reinforcement and concrete in gravity base foundation

    C4.6 Verification of steel buckling in jacket legs, braces and beams


C5. Dynamic analysis (LUSAS)

      C5.1 Natural mode shapes and frequencies

      C5.2 Active/passive vibration control  


C6. Appendixes

 news: MCB. ICDAS Basis of Design.jpg









Lusas.com, ICDAS partner in FEM

usingeurocodes.com, ICDAS partner in using Eurocode
vindenergi.dtu.dk, Guidelines for Design of Wind Turbines, 2nd Edition

4coffshore.com, Gravity Based Support Structures...

monobasewind.com, Self Installing Gravity Base for large wind turbines...

stanford.edu, useful data for properties of materials (geologic and otherwise)

simetric.co.uk, densities of materials (bulk, specific gravity of water...)

dongenergy.com, Foundation installation, Wind turbine installation...

engineeringcivil.com, Foundation stability analysis...

geoforum.com, Piling Terminology...

geotechnicalinfo.com, Angle of Internal Friction for a given soil...

densit.com, Onshore, Offshore foundations...

lorc.dk, Gravity base foundation...

renews.biz, Onshore and Offshore Wind in EU, USA and rest of the World

wind-energy-the-facts.org, Environmental benefits of wind energy...

bnoffshore.com, Turbine installation video... 
123456789_123456789_1123456789123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789Updated 05-09-2016

123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169