S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Wind Turbine Foundation Software

Analysis model
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS WTF 2017.00R

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WTF Model Examples

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering & Animation 

Trial Version



Case Study 






How to create LUSAS model automatically?


It happens when you run ICDAS add-ins in Revit. From Revit Top menu

> Add-Ins > External Tools > press on one of ICDAS functions for Lusas

as shown to the right.

A Lusas*.cmd file will automatically created in your working

folder (C:\ICDAS\ICDAS_WTF). From Lusas Top menu > File >

Import and navigate to the Lusas*.cmd for automatic creation

of FEM model.

The five issues outlined in this section for analysis model are:


§      Rib walls, Conical slab, Cylindrical shaft and varying thicknesses

§      Soil as volume elements or spring stiffness

§      Vertical ballast on the base slab and  

      horizontal on the cylindrical shaft

§      Loads on full model (theoretical consideration)

§      Jacket foundation  

Rib walls, Conical slab, Cylindrical shaft and varying thicknesses


Shows below are two main options of Lusas models for wind turbine

foundations. Set input CSlabDist=0 for rib wall (Left), and CSlabDist

e.g. 7000mm for conical slab (Right) as shown in Figure 1. Modify further

the conical slab model, one will get additional three options for the lower

parts outlined in Figure 2, where all of the models are created automatically from Excel or text input file. 


Figure: Creation of Lusas*.cmd file from Revit.

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123456789_123456789_1123456789Rib walls and Outer walls supported (CSlabDist=0)          Conical slab supported (CSlabDist=7000)
  123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_123456789_ 123456789_123456789_123456789_12345


Figure 1: Automatic creation of 3D FEM model of Gravity Based Foundations (1530x959)

In figure above, at the top of cylindrical shaft there is a gap between two elements. It is due to normal vector to 

the  element plan changes direction to form a circle from the one to the next element. If all elements are on the  

same there will be no gap. Therefore, the thickness of a small surface element (shell QTS4) is given in surface's 

normal direction, and created hereby a gap between two elements.


Shows below are five basis options of the gravity based foundations. For all options the user can freely created a

required number of levels along the height of cylindrical shaft. In doing so, the user can freely give individual thickness

t at each level of the cylindrical shaft. Further, by using eccentricity the thickness can be located asymmetric where it

is needed. By default the thickness eccentricity is set to 0 when the model is automatically created. When modify the

thickness eccentricity, the user can easily find name of the thickness of cylindrical shaft at each floor which are

stored in Lusas attributes folder (show below model 3). Key input for the five options are described below.



- Option 1 the cylindrical shaft is supported by the rib walls and the outer walls at the bottom. Set input CSlabDist =

  CMasDisB = 0.


- Option 2 the cylindrical shaft is supported by the conical slab at the bottom. Set e.g. CSlabDist = 7000mm, where

  CSlabDist is distance from cylindrical shaft to the conical slab measured at bottom. Keep CMasDisB=0.


- Option 3 the cylindrical shaft continued to the base slab with conical shape. Input here is radius at the bottom and

  slope of the conical shape, as GBEleva(lev, 2) and GBEleva(lev, 5). Set option CSlabDist=1. Keep CMasDisB=0.


- Option 4 the cylindrical shaft is located above a conical massive foundation. Set e.g. CMasDisB = 7000mm, where

  CMasDisB is distance from cylindrical shaft to the conical massive foundation measured at bottom. Keep CSlabDist=0.


- Option 5 is similar to 4 but set e.g. CMassC=1000mm, where CMassC is thickness of the conical massive foundation

  at the center.


Figure 2Parameterisation for the five basis options in ICDAS GBF.

Thus, by changes of parametric input in Excel file (or text file) one will get a geometry model in Revit and a FEM model
in Lusas created automatically. Further, using Excel share option, two can create two models on the same time. It is
therefore possible to obtain both of models which are identical when the two users are working in synchronization.




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Updated 10-09-2016

123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169