S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Wind Turbine Foundation Software

Model Description
ICDAS WTF 2017.00R

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WTF Model Examples

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering & Animation 

Trial Version


Case Study 






Welcome to ICDAS Wind Turbine Foundation software WTF 2017.00R


This section (and sections on the left menu) is a brief introduction to working with automatic

model creation of Wind Turbine Foundation. It describes the basic methodology and is not

contained all ICDAS tools and descriptions. All examples are generic for worldwide use and

do not conform to specific company standards. Refer to a ICDAS licence for more details on

all parameters and guides to your project.


To run WTF 2017.00R, you need the following software installed in your PC/Laptop:


§       ICDAS WTF 2017.00R (GBF and/or JAF)

§       Revit 2017

§       Lusas  V15.2-3 (but also on previous version)

§       Excel or Text Input (NotePad++ freeware code editor) 


To use Virtual Reality in Revit LIVEyou need VIVE VR System where computer graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (or better) and all other requirements (HTC Headset) are listed in the link.

WTF 2017.00R create Gravity Base Foundation (GBF) and Jacket Foundation (JAF)

automatically from parametric input. Revit 2017 is used for 3D geometry model and Lusas

for FEM model.  

Depending on type of turbine and conditions on-site, WTF 2017.00R automatic models creation

can fast identify which type of foundation that best suits the project between the Gravity Base

Foundation and the Jacket FoundationsICDAS performs also design and static calculation

report for detailed project according to description in ICDAS Basis of Design.

WTF models are satisfied ICT regulation from The Danish Building & Property Agency about

digital construction using object-oriented 3D building models and exchanged IFC format.

News in WTF 2017.00R


Automatic Schedules Creation to Excel


FigureSchedules of wall's data to HTML/Excel


Have you an existing Revit model with walls, then add-ins 'ICDAS WTF Create Walls Schedule' will automate schedule

by 2 clicks highlighted above. Three are further three selected options for a schedule, either '1/All walls in continued 

order', '2/All walls after Element Type' or '3/Filter walls with Volume only'. The option 1, 2 or 3 is entered in input. 

The three schedules shown above are identical since the walls in Gravity Base Foundation are simple. They are all the

same type, and are Revit 'Host_Volume_Computed'.


Once a view schedule appear on Revit, just by a single click on ribbon panel 'Export to HTML', the schedule will be

exported on your default web browser. You can save this *.html file in your project folder, and open it in Excel directly

in format *.html.


These Excel files help you to determine sum of volume, area, reinforcement volume, length of all walls for all levels of

the building. Further, the schedule also report structural usage, top and base offset, height and other geometrical data

for each wall of the building.


This feature is also useful for new model, where the users apply add-ins in ICDAS to automate the building, then export

data of walls to HTML/Excel. These Excel files can keep in Excel input sheet 2, 3, 4… so the users will have all data in

one Excel file.

Gravity base foundations  (GBF)


There are three main options for GBF models:


1. Rib walls supported (varying number of walls, dimensions and so on)

2. Conical slab support where the internal cylindrical shaft continued to the base slab

3. Conical slab as the lower part of the cylindrical shaft.


Automations of GBF include i.a.

§       Automatic creation of 3D geometry model (Revit)

§       Automatic 3D reinforcement creation (Revit)

§       Automatic creation of 3D FEM model (Lusas)

§       Automatic creation of soil volume element below the base slab, support conditions (Lusas)

§       Automatic creation of dead weight and ballast in FEM model (Lusas)

§       Free parametric number of polygon walls, or cylindrical shaft walls (npoints)

§       Free parametric number of vertical sections (Revit levels)

Revit 3D model can export to exchanged IFC format from which you can import in Tekla or other

IFC-certified applications. Likewise, you can also import IFC file created from Tekla/AutoCAD

Architecture straight into Revit with amazing results. It not only brings 3D geometry but alsobrings in

material information as it has been created in Revit. Thus, the mechanic components created for wind

turbine foundation in Tekla/Inventor can be easily imported in Revit.  


ICDAS WTF using Revit & Lusas, is tool for design and analysis of gravity base foundation, as well

as sensitivity check on support conditions for the foundation bottom at the seabed, which are

needed to identify for each site condition of the project. 



             FigureAutomatic creation of Wind Turbine Gravity Base Foundation in Revit (1859x818)

From the three basis concepts above you can also freely select a number of walls creating the polygon for the cylindrical shaft (nwalls). Shown below are examples of nwalls = 6 and nwalls = 12, where input ArcWall is set to 0 for rectilinear walls, and 1 for cylindrical walls. 






     Figure: nwalls = 6, ArcWall = 0 (1544x985)


     Figure: nwalls = 12, ArcWall = 0 (1542x980)

123456789_123456789_1123456789See inputgeometry and analysis models for further details.

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Updated 05-09-2016

123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 29 90 92 96  •  CVR no.: 34436169