S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

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Concrete Bridge

Model Examples

Model description


Geometry model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality  

Case study 


Concrete Box Deck Danube River Bridge Design Proposal

ICDAS COB 2014 Option 2 (Revit Civil Structures)




The bridge is crossing the Danube River connecting Braila and Smardan in Romania. The bridge site is as shown below.

Figure: Corridors for the bridge overpass and the Danube river underpass, AutoCAD Civil 3D. 




Proposal for the corridors are designed in Civil 3D as the need for input in Revit Bridge. The corridors are the same

as designed for the cable stayed bridge solution, except the longitudinal profile. The final corridors can be easily

updated in Revit for associated drawing details. The Civil 3D working steps and integration with Revit are outlined in

details in registered version COB 2017.00R. It includes also ICDAS Manual for automatic creations of bridge deck cross

section, pier and abutment in any shape which will be create in 3D in Revit Bridge. Some of the basis rules of geometry

for these elements are outlined in Geometry model and Analysis model.


The width of the Danube river at the bridge location is about 600m which is fit to a concrete box bridge of 6 spans a

100m. Inputs for cross sections of the deck and the piers are outlined in Input.





Figure: Bridges 3D view of 6x100m span.



Bridge layout 2D from 3D Model


3D model makes bridge easy to understand, but we

need 2D drawings with dimensions to build the bridge.


Creations of 2D-sheets are semi-automatic because

the users need to choose the views with stations,

coordinates, dimensions, levels and so on. They are 

varying from bridge to bridge. E.g. large bridge and 

small bridge need different scales to fit into the 2D



However, using ICDAS BRIDGE Manual takes only
20-30 minutes to created the four basis sheets as
shown to the right for a simple slab bridge. The
sheets themselves are loaded from ICDAS sheet
family automatically.

Showed to the right are simple layout of 2D-sheets

with 2D models created automatically from the 3D



3D rendering shows a slab bridge from which the

2D-sheets are documented.


Plan Elevations shows the bridge level increased
434mm toward south with a slope of 1.67% (Station
Increment Report.htm for 1m step of station,
elevation from Civil 3D is not shown here). The
underpass has constant elevation of 44300mm.

Substructure Dimensions shows lands coordinate in

the four corners of the foundations (in mm). From

which and the given dimensions there are

geometrically information enough to build the

foundations and abutments at the site in XY-Plan.


North and South shows elevation Z-Coordinate at the
two corners of foundation of an abutment. From which
and the given heights there are information enough
to build the foundations and abutments at the site in
vertical Z-direction.


Figure: 3D rendering

FigurePlan Elevations

FigureSubstructure Dimensions

Figure: North and South



Updated 17-06-2016
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ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   
E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169 