S o f t w a r e     f o r     a u t o m a t i c     c r e a t i o n     o f     m o d e l s     u s i n g     p a r a m e t r i c     d a t a

123456789_123456789_1123456789Cable-stayed Bridge Software 

ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS CSB 2024.00R

Road Bridge Model Examples

Cable-stayed Bridge
Model Examples

Model description


BIM model

Analysis model

Landscape model

ICDAS Basis of Design

Workflow of Software

Additional features

Rendering, Animation &
Vitural Reality 

Case Study and 


ICDAS provides addin in Revit to read Excel input and automate models in Revit and Lusas. Therefore, keep control over the input is to keep control over what you see on the two models. When you want to undo an input, just press Ctrl+Z in Revit and run addin again for a new input. A LusasCSB.cmd is automatically created (or updated) each time the you run addin in Revit. By import LusasCSB.cmd in Lusas, you will get a FEM model.


ICDAS can read input from Excel (default), text or *.xml format. Excel and text format allow free comments anywhere in the file, except ‘:’ is used read data. All texts from the default Excel file are also comments, except the texts having (i, j) in the grey row may not be changed. I.e. the users do not need to write the texts as the default texts when copy a row for adding numerical input. The users can ask ICDAS for *.xml format with special purpose.  


The users can perform calculations in any other sheet in Excel input, then link the values to the first two sheets for inputs.


The users can keep many bridges in one Excel file, e.g. concrete approach bridges (COB) to the main cable-stayed bridge. Drag the bridge you want to run on sheet 1 and 2 which are the input for ICDAS. You can also keep inputs of two bridges in the same sheet. In this case keep control over the sign ‘:’ for the bridge of concerning.


The user can develop further Excel input for the planning time (4D) and the price (5D) based on the existing input and output writing back from Revit (for quantities, materials, dimensions) and additional input sheet for time rate of wages. Or to combine Excel input in Microsoft Project.


Excel input are for Arch BridgesCable Stayed BridgesConcrete Bridges and Steel Frame Bridges by default. For subscription of a single type of Concrete Bridges, the other inputs will not be run. All bridges are including Concrete Bridges by default.



Input for Cable-stayed Bridge are entered in two sheets ‘BRIDGE’ and ‘STL’. The key parameters are summarized below.




1. Excel input Sheet BRIDGE


a. Set Bridge=2 for Cable-Stayed Bridge Revit+Lusas model; Set Bridge=12 for LusasCSB.cmd only.

    Set ‘12’ when the users want to keep Revit model but update Lusas model only.

b. The input for bridge deck in Revit can be used in two options:

     - 3D streamlined steel girder deck, Option 1 (default). Concrete box girder deck needed 

       some input modification.


     - 2D profile concrete deck being used in Revit Civil Structures, Option 2. Civil Structures creates

       3D concrete deck either in massive slab deck or box girder deck. Streamlined steel girder deck

       needed some input modification.


       LusasCSB.cmd is automated for 3D streamlined steel girder deck, Option 1 (default)

c. Design 3D pylon and cables being loaded into Revit project file for both of two options mentioned

    above. There are fixed 7 rows input for pylon and cables for both of Revit and Lusas model.

2. Excel input Sheet STL

a. Length of spans and section to automate a number the stayed cables. Design of longitudinal and

    cross plates according to /1b/.  There are fixed 7 rows input in STL sheet for the cable-stayed


b. Design of approach concrete bridge connected to the main steel cable-stayed bridge. Concrete slab

    deck can also be the main deck for the cable-stayed bridges. ICDAS CSB provide Revit family files

    for pylon incl. cables in this case.

Some input examples are shown in geometry and analysis model. Full descriptions for input are in

Cable-stayed Bridge User's Manual installed in ICDAS CSB.



Updated 11-08-2023



123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169 