| | Excel Based Model Generation in Revit (Algorithmic Modeling) Once the curves obtained in Excel, you can create 3D model automatically in Revit by running ICDAS add-ins. Selection of types of wall, door/window/hole, beam, column, floor elements, interior rooms and so on, are normally as previous version of ICDAS Excel file. You can of course create any algorithmic curves in Excel input and then run the models in Revit by ICDAS add-ins. You can also combine parametric with cylinder buildings resulting in two buildings with the same curvature facades.
The four figures below show building with radii for the Front, Right, Back and Left facade as 60, 60, 30 and 30m respectively.

Input RF=RB=60, LF=LB=80, nwall 16 RR=RL=30, LR=LL=40, nwall 10

Output Floor Area = 3 x 1334m2 (Floor Offset = 0)

Input Floor Offset: Front, Right, Back and Left (level 0,1,2)=(4,4,8)m Out put Floor Area = 2 x 2294m2 + 3318 m2

Offset of the floors can be varied by levels, and individually for the Front, Right Back and Left side of the building. The two figures below show the radii of the Front and Back facade increased to 200m. Larger radii give larger floors area. Rendering reveals that the light is missing inside the building (length LR=40m). The floor's deck maybe needs holes in the centre thought all levels to obtain the light from the top. Using input "Floor Design by Points" you can create any shape of the hole at each floor, or the same shape of holes for all floors of the building.
Input RF=RB=200, LF=LB=80, nwall 16 RR=RL=30, LR=LL=40, nwall 10
Out put Floor Area = 3 x 2573m2 (without offset area)
Figure: Parametric Building created by FRBL 2015.01R
Updated 13-04-2022