123456789_123456789_1123456789Cylinder Building Software 

Workflow of Software
ICDAS YouTube Channel   ICDAS CB 2024.00R

Geometry Model 


CB Models Example 

Model description  




BIM model


Analysis model


Landscape model


ICDAS Basis of Design


Workflow of Software


Additional features


Rendering & Animation


Trial Version




















ICDAS Add-Ins CB 2024.00R provides:


Automatic creation of BIM and FEM models concurrently, where Revit and LUSAS are the man flow. Optionally,

  Tekla Structures can be choosing as BIM tool, StruSoft FEM-Design and Robot Structural Analysis Professional

  as FEM tools.  


 In addition, ICDAS provides also manuals for working with terrain and landscape models in Civil 3D and 3ds Max,

 In October 2018 ICDAS keep further focus on the integrating GIS and BIM using InfraWorks 360 as the main tool. It allows us to create 3D site model incl. roads design (InfraWorks, Civil3D, GIS Data), bridges and buildings (Revit) all in one cloud model.

Updated 07-08-2023


123456789_123456789_1123456789ICDAS  •  Hans Erik Nielsens Vej 3  •  DK-3650 Ølstykke  •   E-mail: th@icdas.dk   •  Tel.: +45 60 53 83 79  •  CVR no.: 34436169