It happens when you import Lusas.cmd in Lusas
(File > Import). The Lusas.cmd is created automatically
when you run ICDAS Add-Ins in Revit. Input for the CB model
is located in your working folder C:\ICDAS\ICDAS CB Excel.xlsm when you installed ICDAS CB.
What is created automatically in Lusas?
§ Geometric points, lines, surfaces of the CB model as
designed in Revit
§ Floors and walls in 3D Thick shell element QTS4
(Quadrilateral Linear element with 5 degrees of freedom
at each node)
§ Elements meshing with 1000x1000mm.
§ Thicknesses of floors and walls are entered for each floor
§ Groups of floors and walls at each level
§ Hole of door in a wall is created by remove the lower
part of that wall with the door height (see Additional
Refer about LUSAS, StruSoft or Robot tool?